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Ground has been broken on the site of the new Fos Logos Christian School, located right next to the Insan Permata Orphanage! To the left you can see Pak Jonedy in front of the site. Click the link to read more about the progress and view additional photos.



in addition to providing for the needs of the children of the insan permata orphanage, pak jonedy has begun providing food and access to medical care to impoverished communities across pekanbaru.



UNICEF data released in 2012 states that 2.3 million children age 7 to 15 do not go to school in Indonesia. the cost of education is too high for many Indonesian families. For people who are struggling to make the ends meet, education is simply not a priority.  As a consequence, there are many school-ageD children who have to work to help support their family instead of going to school. We hAVE BEEN HELPING to address this by providING scholarships to children to attend Indonesian Schools. These scholarships HAVE HELPED cover the cost of uniforms, materials and transportation. HOWEVER, WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FOS LOGOS SCHOOL, DEDDI'S HEART WILL BE ABLE TO PROVIDE EVEN MORE EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE IN THE FUTURE.

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Children in Indonesia, ESPECIALLY ORPHANS, do not always have access to basic medical care. Medical insurance is not common and therefore most people go without medical care due to the cost.


There are many minor medical issues that end up becoming quite complicated due to a lack of early medical intervention. PRIOR TO FUNDING PROVIDED BY DEDDI'S HEART, MOST OF THE CHILDREN IN THE ORPHANAGE HAD NEVER BEEN TO THE DENTIST. Due to this reality we are trying to create funding, which would pay for basic medical, dental, and vision care.  Examples are eye exams, teeth cleanings, vaccinations and emergency medical care.

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